You'll Be Stunned By These Photographers | Stoke-Ness
I am sharing this early.
My aim is to sneak some nuggets into your brain before the new year starts and you start chasing your resolutions. With that said, this might be the most thoughtful newsletter I've written so far.
I’m sharing a list of things that made the most positive change for me, websites that will inspire you to create better photos and a book that is the best way to start 2022.
Be stoked,
Who I am Following
Image by Nick Kelley
6 Stunning Photographer Websites That Inspire Me
Instagram is a very small slice of most professional photographers work. To see a fuller picture the photographers websites are the best place. Here are some of the best I've seen.
James Harvey Kelly (mostly large format film)
Kari Medig (mostly large format film)
Gear and Tools
The Pitch Deck Kit
I know you have dreams of doing bigger things. Put those dreams into a proposal and get sponsors on board to make it happen.
My Pitch Deck Kit is on sale Half Price until January 8th. Use the code 2022START
If you are serious about getting funding for your big trip, business, product or research then this will help you build something professional to share with the least amount of effort.
Get it Here
Photo/Video Technique
5 things that gave me the most positive change in the last 10 years
As we head into a new year most folks take time to reflect on what hasn’t been working and what they want to change for a better future.
As you plan your resolutions, I want to share the books, videos, people that have contributed to my success in life so far.
A Mentor
I know you have heard people say to get a mentor before. You may have tried and found it is hard to get anyone to want to be your mentor. Here is the thing, it is hard and the way you do it is by being valuable and direct. Offer to help anyway you can (time or labor) and ask for advice when ever is appropriate.
When I wanted to learn about business I asked a family friend (my mom cleaned his house growing up) who was a successful real estate developer.
When I wanted to learn about taking photos, I asked Alex Strohl who I had just met and then helped him find locations.
Find valuable people and then be valuable to them. It doesn't need to be a formal thing but should be your top priority if you want to make a positive change in your life.
The Seth Godin blog.
I have read most of Seth’s books on marketing and I read his blog every morning in my email. While he may be known as a marketer, he is really a big picture thinker on how to build better relationships with people, money, work and life. His thoughts have shaped my perception of the world for the better.
See it here
Vlog brothers Youtube channel.
I have been watching Hank and John Green make videos to each other for 10+ years. The idea is that they share what they are thinking and learning with each other, but it has really become a community that learns together. They share topics from science, history and mental health. It has been a bright spot in a world that mostly puts out humble brag content.
See it here
48 Days to the Work You Love book
Reading Dan Miller’s 48 Days to the Work You Love book might have been the biggest turning point in my life. The book guides you to find the intersection of your passion and your marketable skills or what Dan says is your calling. It gave me a filter that I have used since to choose jobs and a career that is sustainable and brings me joy.
Read it Here
Entreleadership book
Dave Ramsey Entreleadership book game me a framework on what a healthy business is supposed to look like so I could recognize one to work for and now build my own. I’ve always believed that if you know business you can do anything in life and be successful. Learning business from someone who had the heart of a teacher was pivotal for me.
Read it Here
Music I'm Diggin'
Seventeen Going Under by Sam Fender
I feel like most of the music I listen to these days is electronic based and not actually played on instruments but on computers.
Sam injects new music into a classic feeling of guitars, real vocals and rock roots. I pick up melodies that sound like The Killers, guitars that sound like Blink 182, and songwriting that takes from classic Brit bands like The Police. It’s a mix of new and old that has me listening to the whole album on repeat.
Listen to it on Spotify Here
Videos, Movies, and TV
The Alpinist
A story of what is possible when you push the limits in the mountains that is equal parts inspiring and hard hitting. Even if you are not into mountain climbing this film will keep your attention and have you ignoring your phone for the entire run.
It's on Netflix
Since we are all relaxing this week, I want to also recommend Wavy by Nikolai Schimer. It's a classic adventure story about risk and reward all set in the far north of Norway.
Nikolai has a knack for making the wildest adventures seem attainable for us mortals and it's exciting.
Watch it for free Here
Grit by Angela Duckworth
If you feel like you can never get motivation to stick with your projects, work or hobbies, then this book is for you. If you have motivation but are feeling like you will never win, this book is for you. It’s the most encouraging book I’ve read in years.
Get the book Here
Parting Thought:
I used to be so hard on myself this time of year, almost never having achieved all my goals from the last.
It’s been said that humans over estimate what they can get done in a day and under estimate what they can achieve in 5 years. Set long goals this year and know that becoming a billionaire is not the goal. Living a fulfilling, autonomous life is. This can be lived on less than you think.
Work on the things that make you happy long term and avoid trading joy for money.
Be stoked and have a great month,
This newsletter, my photography and my videos are all free, but not cheap. If you want to help me continue to make things you can buy me virtual coffee.
Don't have the funds to buy a coffee at the moment? Then sharing this newsletter with someone you think would like it is the next best thing. Thanks!