The Timeless Feel | Stoke-Ness
This month
I’ve gone monochrome, a show that will give you all the nostalgia and a technique that will take your video editing to the next level.
I am opening up my calendar for portfolio reviews and mentorships in creative freelancing. If that interests you, then shoot me an email at
Be stoked,
New Photo Set
I shot a roll of Tri X black and white film with my Canon Elan and Canon 50mm lens and made a set around my house in -20 weather (plus some other scenes). I love how the film handles the highlights and makes every composition look artistic in a way that color film or digital can’t. I find it perfect for capturing memories you want to see 30 years down the road.

Gear and Tools
How to get started shooting B & W film photos.
If you want to try shooting black and white film, it’s not hard, but learning what camera, what film, and how to develop it can be confusing. Here is what I recommend:
Buy a film camera.
If you want a pocket camera, the Olympus Muji II is an excellent quality point-and-shoot camera.
You will want a DSLR for even better images, and then you will get great results with the Canon Elan 7 and the 50mm lens. Both cameras will run you about $200 each. That's less than a GoPro.
Buy some B&W film.
There are a few different types of black-and-white films. I like Kodak Tri X and Ilford HP5. You can buy those here.
Shoot Photos
Now that you have your gear, load up your film into your camera, and you are ready to shoot. The best way to learn how to load and shoot your new film camera is, of course, YouTube. There are several tutorial videos for this, depending on your chosen camera.
I’d recommend shooting in auto mode because black-and-white film has a greater latitude to change exposure after you shoot. If you buy the Muji II, it only has auto, so you are covered.
Develop the film
When you get through your roll of film you can send it off to a Film Development Lab. I have recently used The FIND Lab in Salt Lake City, Utah. I also like State Film Lab in Kentucky. They will develop and scan your film and send you back a digital scan of your images. It is honestly the best email when you get your scans back. You can also have them send you 4x6 prints. It’s even more fun to see your work in real life.
P.S. While researching for this section, I found this Kodak Tri X disposable camera. The easiest way to get started!
I hope I have inspired you to start shooting black and white!
Photo/Video Technique
J cut L cut
If you make videos with any editing software, then a J and L cut are the two techniques you must know to make your videos feel better in every way. I learned about the J and L cuts from the hiking YouTuber Kraig Adams in 2019. His videos have a seamless way of storytelling, and he said that a big part of that was fading the sound from each clip into the next. I am surprised by how many videos I see that don’t seem to use this technique. I could write a couple of paragraphs to explain it here, but as usual, a YouTube video will do it better.
Here is one I thought was informative.
Give it a try and see how much better your videos can be.
Who I am Following
Best Made newsletter
The company Best Made is coming back, and the newsletter that founder Peter Buchanan-Smith is sharing about the process and things he finds is some of the best reading on the internet right now.
It is filled with gems and little-known products. Give it a subscription here.
Bodies Tycho Remix
This Tycho remix has me singing at the top of my lungs in the car and a little quieter around other people =)
Videos, Movies, and TV
Magnum P.I.
If you need a pick me up from the March blues, then take a vacation to Hawaii with Tom Selleck. These episodes have so much nostalgia but hold up and are fun to watch. The Office is what most people are always in the mood for. Magnum P.I. is like that for me.
Give it a watch on Amazon Prime.
Sherlock Holmes, read by Steven Fry.
I love a good crime novel now and again. I feel it’s an excellent way to hear stories being told and learn storytelling while mixing it up from the usual nonfiction bio or business book.
Sherlock Holmes is near the top of fiction books on my list, and you can listen to all the books read by the entertaining Steven Fry for free on Audible even if you don’t have a subscription.
Parting Thought:
Sometimes I find myself waiting for the stars to align for a project or an opportunity. Not every time, but maybe more often than you think it’s best to just brute force it. Start without lining things up, start with the belief that it will all work out. You will be surprised how many times problems will get out of your way.
Be stoked and have a great month,
This newsletter, my photography, and my videos are all free but not cheap. If you want to help me continue to make things you can buy my all new Pitch Deck Kit HERE or buy me a virtual coffee.
Don't have the funds to buy a coffee at the moment? Then sharing this newsletter with someone you think would like it is the next best thing. Thanks!