Do you Love/Hate Your Phone? | Stoke-Ness
This month
The most comfortable (and cheap) camping pad, a video that will have you wanting to quit your phone, and my foolproof strategy to get amazing photo sets.
Be stoked,
New Photo Set
Recently, I was invited by to shoot and write an article about my Montana heritage. It was a dream assignment. I rode motos with my friends, dipped in hot springs, and had an experience as vivid as the story I wrote. I am excited to share it here.
Heritage In Montana
Photographer & Writer: @isaacsjohnston
Riders: @maven_coffee_works @samvitek @elibclark
Vahana Creative Director: @bengiese
If you want to read the article and see the images in beautiful print, you can buy the magazine here.

Gear and Tools
Comfortable backpacking pad
I have spent hundreds of nights on lightweight camp pads, sometimes comfortable, but for the most part, wishing there was a better pad that was still relatively lightweight. After searching and trying several different pads and even carrying two ultra-lightweight pads one on top of the other, I believe I have found the best two options. One is expensive, one is cheap.
The cheap option is this pad from Amazon (on sale for $20 right now. I’ve used it for 10+ nights so far and it is robust and super comfortable and the built-in pillow is a bonus. The cons of this pad are that it takes a bit to air up and it’s a little larger than the ultra-light options out there. Still worth trying, in my opinion.
The second option is the Big Agnes Boundary deluxe insulated. I have not used it, but I have friends who use it and love it. It’s a trusted brand but also comes in at a steep $179.
Photo/Video Technique
Shooting Coverage, Wide/Medium/Close
Let’s say you just booked your first paid shoot. The client wants great photos but hasn’t given you a shot list or an idea of what you should shoot. You know what you want to shoot but are not sure it will cover everything they might need, and you are concerned they might come back and ask about a certain angle or shot you didn’t take.
That is why I shoot “coverage”. This is a blanket term for multiple angles and styles of shots to make sure you are covered should the client need something they didn’t think to ask for.
My strategy is simple: Wide, medium, close. I shoot the entire scene with location context, a medium scene that shows most of the subject, and a close-up of the product or person. Working through these three shot types, I find inspiration and unique angles to focus on. It gives me a safety net to focus on getting creative and seeing the best images without forgetting something.
Once back in the edit, I can choose which of the set works best together, knowing that if needed, I can add some of the shots I didn’t deliver if the client needs them. Give it a try on your shoots, commercial or not.
Who I am Following
It’s snowboarding season and I love watching riders who make it look attainable and fun. Here are two I love to follow:
For the skiers
It Takes A Lot To Try by Aviram
I saw this fella sing this song live on video and loved the raw Fleetwood Mack/ Simon and Garfunkel feel. Not my usual jam on here, but it felt right and a light way to start the new year
Videos, Movies, and TV
No SmartPhone For A Year
If you are like me, then you have a hate/little bit of love relationship with your smartphone. I often think about ditching it to be a better steward of my time, thoughts, and focus. I haven't entirely pulled the trigger, but I am getting close. Where there is smoke, there is fire, as they say. I expect to go all in and say goodbye to my iPhone soon.
This video is a clear-headed experiement of the pros and cons of no smartphone. Plus, Craig is guaranteed to make you laugh in the process.
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by Dr. David Hawkins M.D. Ph.D
I stumbled on a talk by Dr. David Hawkins that resonated with me, and then, after looking more at who he was, I found his book. I know that to be an effective, fulfilled person and the best version of myself, I have much to learn.
Since this is not my usual book recommendation, I am having trouble finding the words to explain how life-changing this book has been for me. I’ll say it will be in the rare few books I revisit yearly. If you want a deeper understanding of how to live a life unencumbered by your struggles of the past, this book is a good place to start.
Or listen on Audible
Parting Thought:
It’s a New Year, and it can be overwhelming to set goals and steps and tie your future self to a regimented plan. Instead, I like to take a hot shower or a long walk and let my mind wander to things I really enjoy. I’ll write those things down as my starting points for what I want to pursue this year. Then with that list, I’ll start with what I am naturally curious about to try and build the steps from there. My curiosity will help me achieve the steps, and because I’m curious not only about the outcome but also about the process, it seems to require less effort to make it all happen.
Be stoked and have a great month,
This newsletter, my photography, and my videos are all free but not cheap. If you want to help me continue to make things you can buy my all new Pitch Deck Kit HERE or buy me a virtual coffee.
Don't have the funds to buy a coffee at the moment? Then sharing this newsletter with someone you think would like it is the next best thing. Thanks!